Procedures feature helps risk managers improve compliance with helpful, easy to use instructions:
✓ Make operating procedures easy to follow
✓ Build your own procedures
✓ Track compliance

Improve procedure compliance
To improve procedure compliance risk managers should make them easy to follow. Unfortunately, they’re often recorded as blocks of text and flow charts, then stored as Word or PDF documents. Though convenient for their author, this doesn’t make them easy to follow.
Action cards are best for first response
Action cards are best for first response because they present key information in an easy to read format.
Decision trees are best for complex scenarios
Decision trees are best for complex scenarios because they break-up instructions into small, easy to follow steps.
Choose procedures such as:
Available on both mobile and desktop.
Easy to build decision trees
Simply add a question then one or more answers to build a step in your procedure.
Add contact details, link one decision tree to another or link it to an incident and event report form.
Popular procedures include:
- Business continuity
- Confiscation proce
- Unattended item
- Suspicious item
- Fire alarm panel
Instantly view compliance
Track compliance with procedures through the audit feature. Identify each user and visualise the steps they take.

Free downloads
Examples of popular procedures, split into decision trees and stored as PowerPoint slides ready for download.