Lift entrapment procedure
Lift entrapment procedure is an easy to follow guide for risk managers.
Lift entrapment can be hazardous. Therefore, it’s important you adapt the procedure to suit your needs.

Lift entrapment procedure summary
In summary, the lift entrapment procedure, to manage a person trapped in a lift, is as follows:
- When dealing with the occupants, only try these release methods:
- Ask the passenger to press the ground floor button and wait to see if the lift responds.
- Ask the passenger to press the door open button and see if the doors will open.
- NOTE: If the lift is not at floor level, NEVER suggest that the passenger gets out of the lift.
- NOTE: Under NO circumstances should operators advise passengers to manually attempt to open the door or take any other course of action.
- If occupant is distressed and/or with a medical condition contact fire brigade and then lift company.
- If occupant is not distressed and/or with a medical condition then only contact lift company.
- Use below question and answer advice is the occupant has any questions.
Automate procedures
SIRV automates procedures like lift entrapment, eject people, bomb threat and business continuity.
Lift entrapment procedure template
Step 1
QUESTION: Is a person currently trapped in the lift?
INSTRUCTION: When dealing with the occupants, the only release methods that can be tried are:
- Ask the passenger to press the ground floor button and wait to see if the lift responds.
- Ask the passenger to press the door open button and see if the doors will open.
NOTE: If the lift is not at floor level, NEVER suggest that the passenger gets out of the lift.
NOTE: Under NO circumstances should operators advise passengers to manually attempt to open the door or take any other course of action.
Go to step 2
Step 2
QUESTION: Please confirm the above instructions have been followed
INSTRUCTION: go to step 3
Step 3
INSTRUCTION: Ask the passengers the following questions:
- Location of lift and what floors they are between?
- Number of people in the lift?
- Do any of the passengers have a medical condition?
- Are any of the passengers distressed?
QUESTION: How are the passenger(s)?
ANSWER 1) Distressed and/or with a medical condition (go to step 4)
ANSWER 2) Not distressed and/or without a medical condition (go to step 5)
Step 4
INSTRUCTION: Follow in sequence:
1) Contact Fire Brigade
Telephone emergency services on 999 and instruct them to attend owing to a person trapped in a lift with a medical condition or in a distressed state.
2) Contact Lift Company
Telephone lift company and instruct them to attend owing to a person trapped in a lift with a medical condition or in a distressed state. Confirm an estimated time of arrival on site.
3) Use the below question and answer advice for any questions the occupants ask.
Step 5
INSTRUCTION: Follow in sequence
1) Contact Lift Company
Telephone lift company and instruct them to attend owing to a person trapped in a lift. Confirm an estimated time of arrival on site.
2) Use the below question and answer advice for any questions the occupants ask.
Question and answer advice
"The lift is going to fall!"
“I understand your fears, but the lift/elevator has many safety devices to help stop the lift from falling. Please try and make yourself comfortable, we have called the lift company and they will be here as soon as possible.”
"There is no air! - Is there any air in the lift when I am trapped”
“I can reassure you – the elevator has plenty of ventilation. There is more air closer to the floor; you may wish to sit on the floor to make yourself more comfortable.”
"I am going to be sick!"
“Please make yourself as comfortable as possible. I can reassure you, we are working to get you out as soon as we can.”
"I am claustrophobic!"
“I understand your fears, I can reassure you, we are working to get you out: it would help you if you sat on the floor as there is more air closer to the ground.”
"Can I make a phone call from here?"
“From the lift phone, you can only call us. If you have a mobile phone and coverage, you can call someone or I would be more than happy to call on your behalf. Would you like me to call someone on your behalf?”
"Can I just force the doors open?"
“Please do not force the doors open. The lift might restart and you will risk injuring yourself. Please wait for the mechanic to arrive.”
"I am in a hurry for an important meeting!"
“I can call someone on your behalf. Is there any one we can call for you, to let them know where you are?”
"Can you make the lift go to my floor?”
“If the lift has stopped, unfortunately no, as I cannot operate the lift, but have you tried pressing the ground floor button? If the lift is not taking you to your floor, you will need to speak to either onsite security or other staff.”
Lift entrapment incident report form
Lift entrapment incident report form should have the following fields:
- Your name
- Date and time
- Location floor (or between floors)
- Lift number
- Reason for entrapment
- Names of people trapped
- Any medical conditions
- Any passengers distressed
- Passenger telephone numbers
- Comments
- Images
- Number of people trapped
- Contractor contacted
- Time contractor contacted
- Time contractor expected
- Fire Brigade contacted
- Fire Brigade contacted at what time
- Sketch (if applicable)