Threat and service monitor

What will impact your business? Our threat and service monitor provides live information on threats and service incidents:

News and social media updates

Utility, traffic, environment monitor

Tuned to address specific risks and needs

View through calendar, on map or schematics

Threat and service monitor - view on dahsboard News and social media updates<br />
Utility, traffic, environment monitor
Service monitor icon

Severe weather

The Met Office has issued a weather warning. We estimate the weather will effect your facility tomorrow.

The severity of bad weather is less predictable than in previous years …

    Service monitor icon

    Power outage

    An unplanned power outage has been detected in the immediate vicinity of your facility. It impacts your area.

    Because it is an unplanned power outage its duration is not clear …

      context information icon

      Threat actor

      Security incidents in the vicinity of the premises should lead to procedures and protocols followed.

      The security incident took place at …

      How we present information

      The threat and service monitor displays events on street map, schematics and calendar. Notifications are also available.

      Schedule and plan with event calendar

      Share key event information with your team. The easy to use event calendar means:

      • Never miss an event again
      • View what’s coming up, quick and easy
      • Automatic event plugin adds events of interest
      • User interface allows users to manually add events

      Threat and service monitor shows protests in London today

      Map incidents and events

      View incident and event information on street map and get direction of travel.

      • Only view that which matters to you
      • Locate incident and events within distance of assets

      Tell us what threats and services are important to you

      Book a 30 minute demo 

      Threat and services monitor information types

      Where we get our information

      We source all our information directly; we don’t use any third party data provider. Therefore, you have control and transparency and, we’re able to answer all your queries.

      Different sources of threat data illustration

      Types of information

      We know risk managers rely on many different sources to inform their decisions. As a result, we try to reflect this in the types of information we provide.

      Publicly available

      Risk managers often know where to find publicly available information but they don’t have the time or resource to monitor and track it. Therefore, we are given the task. This often results in broader coverage and time savings.

      Closed source

      Closed source networks are often the best source of threat information. Peer groups, local networks and other risk management teams often have high quality, verified information. However, the information often arrives in various formats and and as a result, often sits in someone’s email inbox. However, our automation tools will read content such as PDFs and extract relevant information as soon as it’s received.

      Manual upload 

      Manual upload allows risk managers and company colleagues to upload event information. As a result, a full threat and service picture is available.




      Privacy Policy

      Address: SIRV Systems Limited, 85 Great Portland street, First Floor, London, UK W1W 7LT


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      Get in touch

      Text & WhatsApp: (0) 7984 884404


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      2016 Communication Product (Winner)

      2017 Communication Product (Finalist)

      2018 Start-up of the Year (Finalist)


      2019 Innovation of the Year (Finalist)

      2020 Innovation of the Year (Finalist)

      2021 Innovation of the Year (Finalist)

      2022 Innovation of the Year (Finalist)

      2023 Innovation of the Year (Finalist)
