Improving Operations at KeolisAmey Docklands: Case Study

Improving Operations at KeolisAmey Docklands: Case Study

Improving operations at KeolisAmey Docklands: Case StudyIntroduction Improving operations: A joint venture between Keolis and Amey operates and maintains the Docklands Light Railway (DLR). In common with all railways, it occupies a vast area of land which makes staff...

New Dashboard – Software Version Release

New Dashboard – Software Version Release

New Dashboard - Software Version ReleaseA new version of SIRV is now available, version 1.09. Why produce a new version of SIRV? Software developers produce a new software version for two reasons: 1. Compliance and Security Security vulnerabilities as well as changes...

Daily occurrence book business case

Daily occurrence book business case

Paper daily occurrence books are a thing of the past. You know this. However, you also know to invest in an alternative needs a business case.

Here is a super powerful digital daily occurrence book business case.

Jeff Bezos’ 5 tips to grow your security company

Jeff Bezos’ 5 tips to grow your security company

Grow a security company - Jeff Bezos' 5 tips Do you want to be one of the most profitable security companies, grow fast? Increase profit margins? What would Jeff Bezos do to grow your security company? If you want to grow back strong after the pandemic perhaps...

Paper occurrence book: 11 ways to persuade your company to ditch them

Paper occurrence book: 11 ways to persuade your company to ditch them

Paper occurrence book: 11 ways to persuade your company to ditch them Paper occurrence books, fed-up with them? You are not alone. The majority of security managers continue to use paper books because they always have. However, this creates problems. Here are 11 ways...

How to security patrol – Ultimate guide

How to security patrol – Ultimate guide

How to security patrol - Ultimate guide How to security patrol is the ultimate guide for security patrols procedures. Security patrols check the status of a site's security and safety measures and gather intelligence to counter threats. Here's the ultimate guide for...

Security Daily Occurrence Book Template

Security Daily Occurrence Book Template

Security Daily Occurrence Book Template Security daily occurrence book template download. The book sample is free and available in both Word and PDF format. Why not click on each image to download the version you need. Security guards use daily occurrence books to...

Daily Occurrence Book Record Top 10

Daily Occurrence Book Record Top 10

Daily Occurrence Book Record Top 10 Our daily occurrence book record top 10 brings you the most popular entries made in Daily Occurrence Books. Are you making the right entries? Check out our popular article how to write a daily occurrence book. Introduction We’ve...

Fire risk assessment software

Fire risk assessment software

Fire risk assessment software: Get corrective actions done Fire risk assessment software is a great way to save time and get things done. For example, corrective, remedial actions.Remedial actions Fire risk assessments will often identify corrective actions and most...

Daily Occurrence Book Report: A Guide on what to Record

Daily Occurrence Book Report: A Guide on what to Record

Daily Occurrence Book Report: A Guide on what to Record You have a daily occurrence book (DOB) and a security guard. Now, only one question remains: what does the security guard record in the daily occurrence book report? Sometimes a daily occurrence book is jam full...

Security incident report – Ultimate how to guide

Security incident report – Ultimate how to guide

Security incident report -  How to guide in 6 steps Security incident reports - how to guide in 6 steps - is for security guards who want to follow best practice. We'll look at why it's important to write a report, what should be in your report and things to avoid....

Security Guard App Guide

Security Guard App Guide

Security Guard App Guide Security Guard app guide - what should you look for? Android or Apple? Is it supported and trusted? Find out in this article. Security guard app guide The smartphone transformed our lives and gave us the mobile app. From games to navigation...

Best NFC Tags

Best NFC Tags

Best NFC tags Best NFC tags for Android, best NFC Tags for iPhone: Our customers use thousands upon thousands of NFC tags for all kinds of purposes. There is a huge number of NFC tags available, which would we recommend as the best NFC tags for proof of presence? Best...

Assignment Instructions Tutorial

Assignment Instructions Tutorial

Assignment Instructions Tutorial  Welcome to the assignment instructions tutorial. In this article we'll take a look at the SIRV decision tree feature to build a specific type of procedure, assignment instructions. The decision tree feature is ideal for anyone looking...

Patrol Route Design in 3 Steps

Patrol Route Design in 3 Steps

Ever wondered why you need a guard patrol? Is it insider threat, safety, asset protection, hostile reconnaissance? Why do you need proof of presence? Discover different proof of presence technologies. Learn about NFC tags, where to put them and where not to put them. Find out what a security guard should report during a patrol.

Security Guard Phone – Best Buy Guide

Security Guard Phone – Best Buy Guide

Security guard phone - Best buy guide  UPDATED: 1 February 2024 Security guard phones are not an easy choice. There are hundreds of smartphones available and lots of articles reviewing toughened phones that claim they can be used in rugged environments. But no review...

Event and Incident Report Software (Tutorial)

Event and Incident Report Software (Tutorial)

Event and incident report software (tutorial) There's a famous phrase in business, "what gets measured, gets managed". In other words, if you can't measure it, you can't manage it. This goes a long way to explaining why reporting incidents and events is so important...

Electronic Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) Tutorial

Electronic Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) Tutorial

Electronic Daily Occurrence Book (DOB) Tutorial Welcome to the electronic daily occurrence book (DOB) tutorial. The SIRV DOB is ideal for security guards, security managers and clients who are looking to make operational efficiencies and reduce their carbon...

Media Release Procedure

Media Release Procedure

Media Release Template Welcome to a series of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), by SIRV security guard software. Today's free download is a media release procedure. These procedures are available through SIRV software using our decision tree functionality. We have...

Lift Entrapment Procedure

Lift Entrapment Procedure

Lift entrapment procedure Lift entrapment procedure is an easy to follow guide for risk managers. Lift entrapment can be hazardous. Therefore, it's important you adapt the procedure to suit your needs. Contents  Lift entrapment procedure summary Procedure template...

Eject people procedure

Eject people procedure

Eject people procedure Eject people procedure is an easy to follow guide for risk managers. The ejection of people can be hazardous. Therefore, it's important you adapt the procedure to suit your needs and comply with local laws. Contents  Eject people procedure...
