Fire risk assessment software: Get corrective actions done

Fire risk assessment software is a great way to save time and get things done. For example, corrective, remedial actions.

Corrective - remedial actions button

Remedial actions

Fire risk assessments will often identify corrective actions and most fire risk assessment software will capture this information. However, what happens next is less clear. Because there is often no follow-up. Therefore, many remedial actions are either ignored or forgotten. However, the SIRV ‘actions’ feature solves this problem.

Actions feature cut time spent on corrective actions by 50%!

Head of Health and Safety

Global Insurer

Actions feature

The actions feature:

  • Identifies who is responsible for a remedial action.
  • Gives that person a deadline for the action.
  • Chases that person to ensure they close the action in time.

How it works

The fire risk assessment follows the usual format, with a list of questions and fields for answers. However, within the form are buttons with special attributes.

Corrective - remedial actions button

This special button opens a new set of fields for a specific remedial action:

  • Description
  • Images
  • Video
  • Sketch
  • Location

The corrective action is then given a deadline and it’s sent to a ‘responsible person’.

Fire risk assessment software remedial action

The responsible person gets an email alert with a link to view the remedial action. Afterwards, the responsible person can record when the remedial action is complete.

Fire risk assessment software remedial action completion

Close off remedial actions

Whenever a remedial action is complete the risk assessor gets an email alert. They view the remedial action online and if they’re happy they categorise it as ‘closed’.

Fire risk assessment software remedial action closed

Fire risk assessment software automation gets things done

Because every corrective action has a deadline, SIRV sends reminder emails to the responsible person. As a result, actions are more likely to be complete on time. In addition, any overdue action is flagged to the risk assessor.

Overdue actions

The risk assessor reviews the status of all actions online, through the search facility:

Search corrective actions and download into excel

 Or through the dashboard:

Fire Risk Assessments Software Corrective Actions visualisation

The results of the search are available for download into excel. As a result, the risk assessor has the option to use the data as they wish.

Search corrective actions and download into excel

Conclusion: Actions get things done

The easier we make it to do something, the more likely it is to get done. Although traditional risk assessments are helpful, they fall short. Because they don’t automate the follow-up. 

The SIRV actions feature gets things done because it helps identify who needs to do what and by when. And, it monitors progress. As a result, things get done.

Frequently asked questions

Does the risk risk assessment software work on a mobile app?

Yes, both Android and iOS (Apple).

Why can't I find the app on the Pay or App store?

Because the mobile app is not intended for consumers it is not on the Play or App store. However, we install the app on your mobile phone through a trusted download link.

Can the content of the fire risk assessment form change?

Yes. Because we provide standard content and you have the freedom to add, delete or edit the content.

I have sent an action to the wrong person. Can I change this?

Yes. Because the fire risk assessor can re-assign a remedial action through the action centre.

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