Team reports
Team reports gives risk management teams a quick and easy way to perform checks and report incidents:
✓ Improve the quality of incident reports
✓ Submit checks and audits on time
✓ Record the daily occurrence
✓ Follow protocols and be compliant

Incident and event reports
Incident and event reports feature gives risk managers counter measure assurance and incident information in real-time.
It’s easy to build report forms to suit your needs and complete forms through a mobile app or web browser.
Charts and visualisations bring reports to life and improves the understanding of risk.
Procedures feature helps risk managers improve compliance with helpful step-by-step instructions. Select from two procedure types:
Action cards
Decision trees
Action cards are ideal for first response whereas, decision trees are best for complex procedures. Both improve usage and compliance with best practice.
Proof of presence
Locate people and track assets in real-time. Geolocate people and assets and proof of presence.
Customise to meet your needs.