Terrorist convictions Q1 2024

Who gets convicted of terrorist offences in England and Wales?

  • Men?
  • Youngsters?
  • Londoners?

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All information is publicly available, head to counter terrorism police

Analysis in text

Cause supported by convicted

Ten convictions were made between January and March 2024:

  • Extreme right wing x 3
  • Left wing anarchist x 1
  • Islamic terrorism x 6


Age of convicted person at time of arrest:

  • Under 21 years of age x 5
  • Between 21 and 30 years of age x 1
  • Between 31 and 40 years of age x 4


The gender of the convicted person:

  • Male x 7 
  • Female x 3

Length of prison sentence

A total of 43 years in prison sentences were passed down to ten people. And, the left wing anarchist Graham Jacobs, received the longest sentence, 13 years for preparing acts of terrorism. 


There’s an upward trend compared to previous quarter, up from 9 convictions in Q4 2023 to 10 convictions in Q1 2024.


The location of the arrests are as follows:

  • Cardiff
  • Luton
  • Lancashire
  • Enfield
  • Leeds
  • Isle of Wight
  • London
  • London
  • London
  • Liverpool




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