Situation awareness software features

Situation awareness software features

Situation awareness software features Situation awareness software features helps users become more aware of their situation and therefore, make better decisions. Conceptualised by military leaders, situation awareness software first became available in military...
Build a security dashboard – How to guide

Build a security dashboard – How to guide

Build a security dashboard – How to guide Build a security dashboard and risk managers can: Measure performance in most business functions Demonstrate compliance with forthcoming legislation for example, Martyn’s Law. Lets take a look at how to build a...
Protests in London

Protests in London

Protests in London: June 21 – June 22 Protests in London June 2021 to June 2022 uses the Metropolitan Police Service (Twitter) and Metro news service to visualise demonstrations and protests over a 12 month period. The analysis helps answer two common questions:...
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