Paper occurrence book: 11 ways to persuade your company to ditch them

Paper occurrence books, fed-up with them? You are not alone. The majority of security managers continue to use paper books because they always have. However, this creates problems.

Here are 11 ways to persuade your company to ditch paper occurrence books. Use it to build a business case for an online daily occurrence book or to just nod in frustration.

How to move from paper to digital occurrence books

1. It is not a good look

Walk into a modern office and you will see clear desks.

Because modern professional workers made the move online years ago, they no longer need paper. Paper is a thing of the past. Therefore, a paper occurrence book is not a professional look.

Give a guard a computer or tablet and banish embarrassment.

Paper security books are messy-  It is not a good look Walk into a modern office and you will see clear desks.  Because modern professional workers made the move online years ago, they no longer need paper. Paper is a thing of the past. A paper occurrence book no longer looks professional.  Give a guard a computer or tablet and banish embarrassment.

2. They look horrible

A beautiful building entrance costs millions and a daily occurrence book spoils it all.

Art adorns walls, computers and phones are nearly invisible. However, the security book is still there. It is still big and ugly. As a result, an entrance is untidy.

Online books are beautiful because they are invisible.

Security Managers turn into delivery drivers To order a new occurrence book then, take it to site and then, collect the old book is a chore.  Managing the movement of occurrence books is an administrative pain the security manager can do without. It adds no value to security operations.   The click of a button is all it takes to get a new online occurrence book.

 3. Security Managers are delivery drivers

To order a new occurrence book then, take it to site and then, collect the old book is a chore.

To manage the movement of occurrence books is an administrative pain the security manager can do without. It adds no value to security operations.

The click of a button is all it takes to get a new online occurrence book.

4. The book is always far away

To view an occurrence book is a hassle because it is kept far from the security manager.

It is not possible to remotely view a paper occurrence book. As a result, to see a book the manager either travels to site or the guard sends pictures by phone.

To send a picture by phone relies on a guard’s honesty and it may break data law. In addition, a trip to see a book is like a trip to the library, something people no longer do.

View a digital book at any time, from anywhere in the world. 

5. Lost and never found

Paper occurrence books are lost and never found. Somewhere there are thousands of occurrence books without a home.

An occurrence book is stored for years. As a result, the location of the occurrence book is always a worry for the security manager.

Digital occurrence books do not worry the security manage because they have one home, online.

Guards and Doctors that have terrible hand writing  Security guards do not have great hand writing.  As a result a guard will:  Write over entries. Strike through old entries. Destroy pages. Spoiling an occurrence books is easy. Therefore, it is easy to undermine a security operation's credibility.  Guards using an online book cannot delete an entry. Also, any spelling mistakes are shown.

 6. Guards and Doctors have terrible hand writing

Security guards have bad hand writing. As a result, a guard will:

  • Write over entries.
  • Strike through old entries.
  • Destroy pages.

Spoiling an occurrence books is easy. Therefore, a security operation’s credibility is at risk.

Because a guard cannot delete online entries, destroy pages or use messy handwriting the security book cannot be spoilt.

7. They are not useful

An occurrence book is a terrible tool to tell what a guard does. 

If a clients spots an empty book they may question the value of a shift. Therefore, should a security manager mount a defence they will need to thumb through hundreds of hand written entries. This is not an easy task.

Online occurrence books provide an activity report in seconds. 

The book is a haystack and an entry is a needle Searching for old occurrence books is a pain and to find an old entry can take days. For example, an entry made four years ago will take days to find. Because you need to:  Identify what books you want. Recall them from storage. Go through every book until you find the right entry. As a result, searching for old entries is a process that takes days. Online books deliver results in seconds.

 8. The book is a haystack and an entry is a needle

Searching for old occurrence books is a pain and to find an old entry can take days. For example, an entry made four years ago will take days to find. Because you need to:

  • Identify what books you want.
  • Recall them from storage.
  • Go through every book until you find the right entry.

As a result, to search for an old entry takes days. Online books deliver results in seconds.

Paper occurrence books cost the earth. They cost the earth  The biggest problem a paper daily occurrence book has is it is made of paper, a valuable resource. Paper daily occurrence books are not sustainable.  To make, move, store, and destroy a paper book costs the earth in carbon emissions. Therefore, paper books act against a company's environmental policies.   Online occurrence books cut carbon costs.

 9. They cost the earth 

The biggest problem with paper daily occurrence books is what it is made from, paper. Paper daily occurrence books are not sustainable.

To make, move, store, and destroy a paper book costs the earth in carbon emissions. Therefore, paper books act against a company’s environmental policies. 

Online occurrence books cut carbon costs.

10. They cost a lot to buy

Carbon copy books are expensive to buy and a constant, repeating cost.

In a cost conscious security company it is a cost that should be cut. 

When online books are bought in bulk they are cheaper to buy than paper books.

11. They cost a lot to store

Storing occurrence books is expensive.

Put a box of books in an archive for six years and expect a large bill. Also, each time the box is retrieved expect another bill. Paper books are a drain on a security operation’s profit.

Because online books are stored in the cloud you will receive smaller bills.


12. They do not integrate with threat solutions

The SIRV occurrence book integrates with our Threat AI. As a result, users are sent notifications whenever there are relevant threats. For example, protests in London.


11 problem daily occurrence book  The paper occurrence book should be a thing of the past but it lives on. By making the move from paper to an online occurrence book the security company solves these 11 problems. Also, it signals to clients, managers and guards it is a company for the future.

Conclusion: Paper occurrence book

Paper occurrence book should be a thing of the past. Make the move from paper to an online occurrence book and solve 11 security manager problems in one go.

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