ChatGPT makes Daily Occurrence Book entries easy

ChatGPT makes daily occurrence book entries easy because it gives:

  • Excellent prompt headings to ensure necessary information is recorded
  • Structure with a good logic flow
  • Help to write a better quality report


  • What is ChatGPT
  • Dos and Don’ts for using ChatGPT and daily occurrence books
  • Examples of output from ChatGPT
  • Other use cases for safety and security teams
ChatGPT Daily occurrence Book use cases

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT uses generative AI to give brilliant, human like responses to queries, it’s similar to the original idea behind AskJeeves – ask it questions and get great quality answers. Built by OpenAi, ChatGPT is popular because it responds to everyday questions with very natural looking results. You can use it for free after you’ve registered for an account here (takes seconds).

Check out three use cases for ChatGPT for safety and security heads.

How to use ChatGPT for daily occurrence book entries

All staff should be clear about what information can be shared with ChatGPT.

Do not:

  • Enter personally identifiable informationInformation which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, etc. into ChatGPT
  • Enter organisation names or addresses into ChatGPT
  • Get ChatGPT to write your entire daily occurrence book entry


  • Ensure users are compliant with your data policy. 
  • Turn off Chat historyConversations that are started when chat history is disabled won't be used to train and improve ChatGPT models, and won't appear in the history sidebar.
  • Use ChatGPT to give you prompts about what goes into your daily occurrence book, content sequence and what actions to take. For example, perhaps you have building damage and you’re unsure what to record in the daily occurrence book. We entered the following query into ChatGPT (change the underlined words with any incident category):

“I need to create an incident log that outlines building damage and the steps taken to resolve it”

Here is the response:

[Your Name] [Your Position/Title] [Date]

Incident Log: Building Damage and Resolution

Date/Time of Incident: [Date and Time]

  1. Incident Details:
    • Location: [Provide the specific location/address of the building]
    • Description of Damage: [Describe the type and extent of the damage observed in the building]
  2. Initial Response:
    • Personnel Involved: [List the names and roles of individuals who initially responded to the incident]
    • Actions Taken:
      • Safety Assessment: Conduct an initial evaluation of the building’s safety to identify any immediate risks to occupants or responders.
      • Secure the Area: Take necessary measures to prevent further damage and secure the affected area.
      • Documentation: Document the initial state of the damage using photographs, videos, or written descriptions.
  3. Damage Assessment:
    • Personnel Involved: [List the names and roles of individuals involved in the damage assessment]
    • Detailed Inspection: Conduct a thorough examination of the affected areas to assess the extent and nature of the damage.
    • Documentation: Record all findings, observations, and measurements related to the damage. Include photographs, sketches, or any other relevant documentation.
    • Identify Cause: Investigate the cause or potential factors contributing to the building damage.
  4. Resolution and Restoration:
    • Personnel Involved: [List the names and roles of individuals responsible for the resolution and restoration process]
    • Repair and Restoration Plan: Develop a plan outlining the steps required to repair and restore the building to its pre-incident condition.
    • Resources and Timeline: Allocate necessary resources, such as materials, contractors, or equipment, and establish a timeline for completion.
    • Repair Process: Detail the specific repairs and restoration activities undertaken, including repairs to structural elements, utilities, or other affected areas.
    • Quality Assurance: Implement measures to ensure the quality and compliance of repairs with relevant building codes and standards.
  5. Communication and Reporting:
    • Internal Communication: Describe how the incident was communicated within the organization, including relevant departments or stakeholders.
    • External Communication: Report the incident to appropriate authorities, regulatory bodies, or insurance providers, if necessary.
    • Updates and Notifications: Provide periodic updates to relevant parties regarding the progress of repairs and restoration efforts.
  6. Conclusion:
    • Summary: Provide a brief summary of the incident, including the extent of the damage and the actions taken to resolve it.
    • Sign-off: Sign and date the incident log, indicating that it accurately reflects the incident and subsequent actions taken.

Please note that the structure and content of an incident log may vary depending on the specific circumstances and organizational requirements. Adjust the sections and information as necessary to accurately capture the details of the building damage incident and its resolution.

ChatGPT’s building damage result provides a comprehensive framework, with a good sequence and excellent prompts. However, our (human) article on How to write a daily occurrence book is more comprehensive.

Is ChatGPT better than Google/Bing search engines?

Is ChatGPT better than a search engine? Search engines rank web pages to answer a query, listing thousands of results in order. Whereas, ChatGPT gives one answer to a query. It does this by assimilating billions of web pages. As a result, many argue it saves time and gives a superior query result. The future of search engines looks dim:

“Whoever wins the personal agent, that’s the big thing, because you will never go to a search site again, you will never go to a productivity site, you’ll never go to Amazon again.” Bill Gates

How else can safety and security teams use ChatGPT?

ChatGPT has value in nearly every business function. Safety and security teams can get it to write all kinds of policies for example, standard operating procedures and assignment instructions. Use ChatGPT for edge case scenarios; we entered the following question into ChatGPT:

What should I do if I have had acid thrown in my face?

Here is the result:

I’m really sorry to hear about such a distressing situation. If you find yourself in a situation where you have had acid thrown in your face, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to minimize damage and seek medical assistance. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Safety First: Prioritize your safety and try to move away from the source of the attack to prevent further harm.

  2. Emergency Washing: If possible, immediately rinse your face and affected areas with copious amounts of cold water. The primary goal is to flush away the acid and minimize its contact with your skin.

  3. Remove Contaminated Clothing: If any clothing or items are affected by the acid, carefully remove them to prevent further exposure to the acid and allow the affected areas to be thoroughly rinsed.

  4. Seek Medical Help: Call emergency services or ask someone nearby to call for medical assistance. Describe the situation and your location accurately. Medical professionals can provide appropriate care and advice based on the severity of the situation.

  5. Continue Rinsing: While waiting for medical help to arrive, continue rinsing the affected areas with cold water to help reduce the impact of the acid and alleviate potential damage.

  6. Avoid Rubbing or Touching: Refrain from rubbing or touching the affected areas, as it can worsen the damage or introduce contaminants. Instead, allow medical professionals to assess and provide necessary treatment.

  7. Protect Your Eyes: If your eyes are affected, try to keep them open and rinse them gently with cool water if it’s safe to do so. Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can cause further damage.

  8. Cover the Affected Areas: If available, use a clean, non-stick cloth or sterile dressing to loosely cover the affected areas. This can help prevent infection and reduce exposure to air and contaminants.

Remember, every situation is unique, and it’s crucial to seek professional medical assistance promptly. The above steps provide general guidance, but the advice of healthcare professionals should always be followed.

Integrate ChatGPT with daily occurrence books?

There are a number of future integrations possible between ChatGPT and daily occurrence books. For example, currently if you give it your postcode and ask where is the nearest defibrillator point you’ll get this answer:

I apologize, but as an AI language model, I don’t have access to real-time or location-specific data. Therefore, I can’t provide you with the precise location of the nearest defibrillator (defib) point to [your location].

In the future real-time data will be accessible. As a result, advanced daily occurrence books will use generative AI solutions like ChatGPT to offer prompts in real time.  

To discuss how SIRV uses AI to visualise threats and incidents for safety and security teams, get in touch.


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