Unplanned power outage
Ref: 045 D 22 June
Unplanned power outage
An unplanned power outage has been detected in the immediate vicinity of your facility. It impacts postcodes: CH41, L1
Because it is an unplanned power outage its duration is not clear. However, SIRV estimates the power outage will last until:
7:00pm – 8:00pm
An engineer is not yet in attendance.
Over the last seven days there has been 5 other unplanned power outages within the radius of your facility.
Next steps
If necessary please notify interested parties and follow workflows shown below.


Battery status check
Lab 1 battery 456 low
The above battery has a charge below the minimum threshold.
Use SIRV to locate the battery and consider following standard protocol decision tree.
Lift entrapment check
Lifts 4-6
Check the operational lifts for trapped occupants.
Follow lift entrapment procedure.
Recommission power checklist
In the event of power outage follow a power recommission checklist.