Financial services incident management

Financial services incident management operates in a global industry with high levels of regulation. As a result, standardisation and compliance for users of SIRV such as, the world’s largest investment bank are priorities.

In addition financial services companies are global brands, which attract a disproportionate level of activism. Therefore, risk managers are particularly sensitive to threats in their vicinity. 

Financial services incident management - shows happy person in bank

Financial services and threats in their vicinity

Financial services are at the centre of the knowledge economy and as a result, often locate their offices where there’s global talent, popular city centres.

As a consequence, their locations are easy to find and often accessible by public transport. This makes them popular targets for activists. From lie ins to urban explorers, they’re often a magnet for unwelcome attention.

The Threat and Service Monitor feature shows risk managers when and where incidents occur.

Financial services incident management - Threat and Service monitor shows on map Protest Ongoing lie in, urban explorer hot spot, anti social behaviour high at this time, public event, union march

The Threat and Service Monitor feature shows risk managers when and where incidents occur.

Daily occurrence 

Daily occurrences in financial services often revolves around the every day logistics of people and assets. However, on occasion there unusual occurrences, from drones to hostile reconnaissance. 

The Teams Report feature helps the risk management team record incidents and check counter measures. One element of the Teams Report feature are incident and event reports. 


Incident and events report visualisation on schematic

Incident and event reports

Incident and events features makes it easy to build report forms to suit your needs. Access to the form is through a mobile app or web browser.

Charts and visualisations bring reports to life and improves the understanding of risk.


Financial services standardise work flows

Because financial services companies often have a global footprint and offices in many different countries, there’s an appetite where possible to standardise procedures and best practice. Some risk manager’s workflows lend themselves to automation. One such workflow is the control of  contractor works.

Contractor Work Access

Contractor Work Access feature helps risk managers control contractor access to site. Contractor induction is mandatory and a simple test demonstrates understanding of the site and its risk.

Risk assessment and method statements are uploaded and sent to authorising parties, who review, accept or reject the proposal. If access is authorised then security is sent a notification.

The Contractor Work Access feature reduces the time a risk manager spends on contractor works administration and provides best in class compliance. 




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2017 Communication Product (Finalist)

2018 Start-up of the Year (Finalist)

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